博多らーめん 由丸
由丸の「正統 博多らーめん」。 その美味しさの理由は“こだわりのとんこつスープ”にあります。厳選された新鮮な豚骨だけを使い、十六時間かけてじっくりと炊き上げることで、ようやく完成するスープ。そこにはしっかりと旨みが凝縮され、コラーゲンもたっぷり含まれています。由丸のスープにすぐに膜が張るのは、豚骨から出たコラーゲンエキスの証です。口当たりはあくまでもあっさりと上品、それでいて濃厚なコクのある味わいに仕上げました。
Original soup with the full flavor of ingredients
The soup has the distinctive flavor of “Hakata Ramen”, however, it does not have that typical smell. Cooking thoroughly by the high heat, the soup naturally gets the thickness. By simply using fresh pork bones of knees and thighs, the soup tastes somewhat sweet and more flavorful. This is the Yoshimaru soup broth. We make our soups very carefully every day to serve the best quality to our customers.
The soy sauce for the soup base is a handmade
The soup broth of Yoshimaru ramen is very mild and delicate, which went well with Hakata’s soy sauce. We blended the light soy sauce and thick soy sauce to make just right taste of soup base.

Traditional noodle manufacturing
Yoshimaru is very particular about noodle as well.Our Ramen noodle is made at own noodle factory every day. The carefully selected flour and using minimum water, we do not use any extra seasoning. The noodle brings out the flavor of the soup.
Braised Pork made at each restaurant
Thinly sliced braised pork is especially loved by every customer. Using the same soy sauce as soup base, it is made at each and every Yoshimaru restaurant.

Spicy sesame chili oil
Yoshimaru spicy sesame oil on the table is also made at the restaurant. It begins from making the leek oil. Then, combine with lightly roasted hot chili. This aromatic spicy sesame chili oil is also used in Tantan noodle.

由丸製麺所 平和島店
Yoshimaru Heiwajima
3-39-5 Omorikita Ota-ku Tokyo
■営業時間 Business Hours
月〜土 Mon~Sat: 11:00~23:00
日・祝日 Sun・Public holiday: 11:00~22:00